CP931877 Battle Hall/West Mall Building Electrical Upgrades and Interior Paint

Map Legend

Map Legend

map legend red represents a construction zone

Construction Zone

map legend yellow represents traffic impact

Traffic Impacted Zone

map legend blue represents pedestrian route access

Pedestrian Access

map legend blue dashed represents pedestrian barrier free

Pedestrian Access 
(Barried Free)

Project Dates

Project Dates
March 21, 2022 - June 30, 2024
Project Description

Project Summary

The scope of work for this project includes renovations at Battle Hall and the West Mall Building for Electrical Upgrades and Interior Paint, including restoring various elements of the building envelope.  In particular, this work is sorely needed for Battle Hall to maintain the integrity of the building envelope and the many ornate historic elements adorning the building exterior.  More specifically, the scope of work includes the replacement of low slope roofing, the replacement of sloped roofing, the restoration of exterior doors, exterior windows, exterior steel balconies, exterior steel grilles, gutters, downspouts, eave ornament and finishes, and eave framing.  Work also includes the installation of fall protection at low-slope roofs and the replacement of bird control systems.

Project Location: Work associated with this project will be predominately around the exterior (roof and exterior walls) of Battle Hall, the West Mall Building.  During the course of the project, the entire exterior of the building will be covered with scaffolding.  This will be surrounded by temporary fencing and barriers.  The East entrance of BTL will be closed for the project's duration.  Overhead protection will be provided at all operable building entrances. While construction on the building exterior will be phased, it should be expected that the entire building exterior will be scaffolded during specific project periods.

Major anticipated outcomes/benefits/ of the completed project: Replacement/refurbishment of decaying/failed building finishes, including the roof, historic eaves, window frames, and historic ironwork.  When complete, this project will have significantly improved the exteriors of these buildings, both in functionality and appearance.

Project Impacts

Pedestrian impact: The east entrance to Battle Hall will be closed the duration of the project of the project.  Currently, this entrance is scheduled to be closed from 3/28/22 through 2/8/23. While scaffolding and barriers around the building exterior will narrow walkways, those walkways will remain accessible.  Accessible entrances will remain operational for both buildings.

Traffic impact: N/A

Bicycle impact: Bicycle racks to the south of BTL and to the southwest of WMB have been removed for the duration of the project.

Parking Impact: Parking to the south of BTL and WMB will be limited as this area is being utilized for project staging.  


If you have questions about this project, please contact construction@utexas.edu.